Thursday, February 16, 2017

Learning SQL from Basic

  1. Lets talk about SQL, Question arise in our mind what does SQL stand for? 
  • It is very simple Structure Query Language.
       2. Just think why it is called Structure Query Language ?
  • Because coding sequence and execution sequence in SQL differ from each other. 
           SQL is computer database language used to store  manipulate  and retrieve data from database in Relational database.SQL has various types of commands to execute on basis of it it is further classified in three types command:
  1. Data Definition Language 
  2. Data Manipulation Language
  3. Data Control Language
Data Definition Language 

CREATE: it is used t create a table,view or an object  in database.
DROP: Delete a entire table, view or a object in database.
ALTER: Modify an database object, mostly table. 

Data Manipulation Language  

INSERT: Insert a data 
DELETE : Delete a record.
UPDATE : To update a record 

Data Control Language

GRANT: It is used to give access to user.
REVOKE: To take back the grant from user.