Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to create LinkList in java

Linked list is data Structure which contain linear collection of data elements as Node in such way that every node refer to next node in List.Here in java let us create class node which contain integer data and reference to the next node in Link list.

This is class Node which is in file

public class Node
protected int data;
    protected Node link;

    //  Constructor to class Node with initially refer to null and set data to 0 by default
    public Node()
        link = null;
        data = 0;
    //  Constructor to class Node which has both data and reference to next node
    public Node(int d,Node n)
        data = d;
        link = n;
    //  Function that set link to next Node (which refer to next node
    public void setLink(Node n)
        link = n;
    //  Function which assign integer  data to current Node
    public void setData(int d)
        data = d;
    /*  Function to get link to next node  */
    public Node getLink()
        return link;
    /*  Function to get data from current Node  */
    public int getData()
        return data;

Class LinkedList  in which  methods involved in it. file

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Linkedlist
protected Node start;
   protected Node end ;
   public int size ;
public Scanner sc;

   /*  Constructor  */
   public Linkedlist()
       start = null;
       end = null;
       size = 0;
   /*  Function to check if list is empty  */
   public boolean isEmpty()
       return start == null;
   /*  Function to get size of list  */
   public int getSize()
       return size;
   /*  Function to insert an element at begining  */
   public void insertAtStart(int val)
       Node nptr = new Node(val, null);  
       size++ ;  
       if(start == null)
           start = nptr;
           end = start;
           start = nptr;
   /*  Function to insert an element at end  */
   public void insertAtEnd(int val)
       Node nptr = new Node(val,null);  
       size++ ;  
       if(start == null)
           start = nptr;
           end = start;
           end = nptr;
   /*  Function to insert an element at position  */
   public void insertAtPos(int val , int pos)
       Node nptr = new Node(val, null);              
       Node ptr = start;
       pos = pos - 1 ;
       for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
           if (i == pos)
               Node tmp = ptr.getLink() ;
           ptr = ptr.getLink();
       size++ ;
   /*  Function to delete an element at position  */
   public void deleteAtPos(int pos)
       if (pos == 1)
           start = start.getLink();
           return ;
       if (pos == size)
           Node s = start;
           Node t = start;
           while (s != end)
               t = s;
               s = s.getLink();
           end = t;
           size --;
       Node ptr = start;
       pos = pos - 1 ;
       for (int i = 1; i < size - 1; i++)
           if (i == pos)
               Node tmp = ptr.getLink();
               tmp = tmp.getLink();
           ptr = ptr.getLink();
       size-- ;
public void reverse(){

Linkedlist newList = new Linkedlist();
Node node = start;
for(int i=0; i newList.insertAtStart(node.getData());
node = node.getLink();
//Update the start and end of the original list
start = newList.start;
end = newList.end;

public void findelement(){

System.out.println("enter a element u wanted to know position");
Linkedlist l = new Linkedlist();
Node n = start;
sc = new Scanner(;
int i = sc.nextInt();
int a=1;

if(n.getLink() == null)
System.out.println("Count not find element " + i + " in the list");
System.out.println("index is " +a);

public void display(){
System.out.println("single linked list is +  ");
System.out.println("empty linklist");

System.out.println(start.getData() );
Node ptr = start;
    System.out.print(start.getData()+ "->");
    ptr = start.getLink();
    while (ptr.getLink() != null)
        System.out.print(ptr.getData()+ "->");
        ptr = ptr.getLink();
    System.out.print(ptr.getData()+ "\n");

This is a main program which involve  execution of main method and calls the method of Linkedlist class.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class singlelist {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
Linkedlist list = new Linkedlist();
System.out.println("Single linkedlist display");
char ch;
           System.out.println("\nSingly Linked List Operations\n");
           System.out.println("1. insert at begining");
           System.out.println("2. insert at end");
           System.out.println("3. insert at position");
           System.out.println("4. delete at position");
           System.out.println("5. check empty");
           System.out.println("6. get size");
           System.out.println("7. reverse list");
           System.out.println("8. tacke element");
           int choice = sc.nextInt();            
           switch (choice)
           case 1 : 
               System.out.println("Enter integer element to insert");
               list.insertAtStart( sc.nextInt() );                     
           case 2 : 
               System.out.println("Enter integer element to insert");
               list.insertAtEnd( sc.nextInt() );                     
           case 3 : 
               System.out.println("Enter integer element to insert");
               int num = sc.nextInt() ;
               System.out.println("Enter position");
               int pos = sc.nextInt() ;
               if (pos <= 1 || pos > list.getSize() )
                   System.out.println("Invalid position\n");
           case 4 : 
               System.out.println("Enter position");
               int p = sc.nextInt() ;
               if (p < 1 || p > list.getSize() )
                   System.out.println("Invalid position\n");
           case 5 : 
               System.out.println("Empty status = "+ list.isEmpty());
           case 6 : 
               System.out.println("Size = "+ list.getSize() +" \n");
           case 7 :
            System.out.println("reverse linked list = " + list);
           case 8:
           default : 
               System.out.println("Wrong Entry \n ");
           /*  Display List  */ 
           System.out.println("\nDo you want to continue (Type y or n) \n");
           ch =;                        
       } while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y'); 

Sorting an array with N2 (insertion sort Algorithm)

Here is program which allow you to sort an array with  complexity of (n square) in ascending order Here is the program: here it uses 2 for loop to compare
Example:- Program

import java.util.Scanner;
public class inertsort {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int i;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("enter how much element u want in array ");
int intsort[] = new int[i];
System.out.println("enter element s");
for(int a=0;a intsort[a]=sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("Elements in array are ");
for(int a=0;a System.out.print(" "+intsort[a]);

for(int m =1;m int temp;
for(int n=m;n>0;n--){
if(intsort[n] temp=intsort[n];
System.out.println("Elements in array are ");
for(int a=0;a System.out.print(" "+intsort[a]);


enter how much element u want in array 
enter element s
Elements in array are 
 100 77 55 85 91Elements in array are 
 55 77 85 91 100

how to define class and object in Ruby

        Hello friends as Ruby is pure object oriented language , How to define class in ruby and how to access the attributes is very import to learn.
Example lets consider Car class in ruby and speed, color and model as its attributes:
Example : code

irb(main):001:0> class Car
irb(main):002:1> attr_accessor :model,:color,:speed
irb(main):003:1> end

Here you can see using class keyword in ruby we can make class and all contain of class lies between class and end key word.
Car is name of class, and you can notice it nil  keyword shown by ruby interpreter. when class do not return anything nil is returned by it.

How to create object of class in ruby and how to use inheritance with ruby is very simple 
Example :code

irb(main):001:0> class Car
irb(main):002:1> attr_accessor :model,:company,:color
irb(main):003:1> end
=> nil
=> #
irb(main):005:0> c1.model="swift"
=> "swift"
irb(main):006:0> c1.color="red"
=> "red"
=> "maruti"
Object in ruby

here you can notice that c1 is object of class Car, so new keyword after class keyword with use of .(dot) 
c1 is object of Car class here is how we access the attributes of class.
attr_accessor is keyword used to declare the access to the attributes of class.

     Let see if we inherit property of Car class in Sport_car class: code

irb(main):008:0> class Sport_car < Car
irb(main):009:1> attr_accessor :topspeed
irb(main):010:1> end
=> nil
=> #
irb(main):012:0> s1.color="black"
=> "black"
irb(main):013:0> s1.topspeed=500
=> 500
OOps concept in Ruby

Here we can see with just use "<" and parent class Car we can inherit attributes of Car class in Sport_car class, and also we can add new attributes such as topspeed in sport_car class

Basics Operation with Ruby

Hello friends Ruby is very easy and  intelligent language when you do all operation easily. All thing in Ruby is considered as Class and object. Ruby is pure object oriented language. As you write addition operation in ruby it gives you result directly.
write 1+100 you will get 101 on next line

irb(main):001:0> 1+100
=> 101

Here in above example 1 and 100 are treated as object and + is a method which is used to deal with this two objects.
1 and 100 are treated as an object of class Fixnum in ruby. there is a .class method in ruby which return class of an object so you can see it. 
Interactive Ruby

As you can see this example in Interactive Ruby tutorial.and find out class of ruby.

         Now do you know how ruby deals with string and how it is responding when you put +  between two  strings.Example

irb(main):001:0> "shree" + "ram"
=> "shreeram"
String concatenation in ruby
Here you can see adding two sting "shree" and "ram"  you get concatenation of this two strings. but when you add a string and number ruby interpreter gives you error for implicit conversion.
        This clearly state that you can either add two numbers or concatenate  2 strings.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Downloading Ruby and Install  just click here and you will be directed to page then download version of ruby you wanted to install.
Install Ruby

Click this to Download
Install ruby

Click here to Install and give CMD of Ruby 

This is interactive ruby where you get way to program 

Big Data overview and keywords

What is Big Data ?
Big Data is collection of large data-sets which cannot be processed using traditional data handling techniques.
What big data includes? 
It includes data from Black box data, Stock exchange data, Social media data, Power grid data, Transport data, Search engine data, etc.
What are big data challenges?
Big data challenges include, capturing data, transfer of data, storage, searching of data, sharing, analysis and presentation.
What is Mongo DB?
This is 4th most used database and its NoSQL, it is massively parallel processing database system.
MapReduce :- it divides task and assign it to computer connected.
Hadoop:- Belong to Apache where data is processed in parallel o different CPU nodes. It is capable of running Application on cluster of computers.
HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System):-It uses Master Slave architecture, NameNode manages file system metadata. DataNode stores actual data.

There are few Big data provider in market which offers big data services :

Services offered by AWS  are many but few of then are as follows:

  1. Amazon public elastic compute cloud(EC2)
  2. Amazon Elastic Map Reduce(Hadoop)
  3. Amazon DynomoDB
  4. Amazon simple storage service(S3)
  5. Amazon High Performance computing
  6. Amazon Redshift
Services offered by google big data service:

  1. Google compute engine 
  2. Google Big Query 
  3. Google Prediction API

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to add new repository to GitHub

  • Step 1 open Github and the login with you username and password click this web site. then you will see following home page 
    GitHub page

  • Step 2 Click on create repository as highlighted in above image, now you will be directed towards new page.
    Repository in GitHub

  • Step 3 Give name to you repository and select the access modifier (private or public) and then click on ADD button gitignore and ADD button License to select it then click on create repository.
    Github not displayed

  • Finally repository will be created and you will see following page 

how to get start with GitHub and How to install it

         Hello friends its very useful to work with Github and post project on it, it provide you single time update for small components in your project from PC to Server.
Go to you web-browser and open Github Click here.then to start with git hub Click on Signup->

       Choose username and your email then click signup and you account will be created, choose
free if you want to submit public projects.

      So you will be directed to this page so now click finish sign up and select plan if you prefer
 private project. then click to and you will see download page so now download Github.
Select your operating system and click there where marked

      As setup is download the run installation by clicking the next button

          This was you will have  2 icons Git CMD and Git GUI you need, GitCMD is used to run and maintain repository on GitHub.
         This is Git CMD so can execute your command in this window.I use microsoft windows so I get this GIT CMD but you may get different GIT CMD as your Operating System.