Sunday, October 4, 2015

ASCII code of Alphabets in java

Write a java  Program that display ASCII code of  entered Character by user.


import java.util.Scanner; // this package util and Class Scanner is declared to take input from user
*@ scanner class
* @author khant vyas
public class asciicode //asciicode is name of class

   public static void main(String args[])

int x; // x is variable which stores value entered by user
Scanner sc= new Scanner(;// sc is object to the Scanner class
System.out.println("Enter value you wan to see in ascii");
x=sc.nextInt();// nextInt() method is used accept intiger value from user
char c= (char) x ; // this conver character to ascii
System.out.println("ASCII code is "+c);


java ascii value of char image not displayed
Java Output

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