Monday, October 5, 2015

do while in java

Do-while loop in jave is used to run a specific code statement for first time when you run the program and then next time will ask for condition.


Write a program to get summation of values entered by programmer untill user enter's 0.(0 will terminate program)

import java.util.Scanner; // this package util and Class Scanner is declared to take input from user
*@ scanner class
* @author khant vyas
public class conditional // name of class

public static void main(String[] args) 
float number,sum=0;// sum is variable to store summation of given numbers
System.out.println("enter the numbers you wan to sum");
System.out.println("enter 0 to terminate");
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
do {

number= sc.nextFloat();//number stores value from user
 sum =number+sum; // sum add numbers and return summation of all given numbers
}while(number!=0); // when user enters 0 , program termiates loop
System.out.println("Summation is "+sum);


do while in java image not found
do while in java

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