- keywords
- Identifiers
- Constants
- String
- Special Character
- Operators
- In C keyword has a special meaning. It is special word of C which has predefined meaning .
- there are 32 set of keywords in C Language
- they are displayed by white colour in turbo C
- It refer to the name of the variable ,function and array. they are user defined name ,consists of sequence of letter's , digits ,and upper case , lower case both type letters are allowed here .
Rules for Identifiers
1 First character must be an alphabet
2 Must contain only letters , digits or underscore
3 Only first 31 character are significant
4 Cannot use a key word
5 must not contain white space
C constants
- Constants means one whose value is not going to changed during the execution of whole program.
- they are generally known as global declared variable
- String is a sequence of character that is treated as single data item. When group of character is written in double quotation it is considered as string.
- string can not be scan directly array of string has to be declared.
- Operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform the specific tasks.
- they decide the priority of the operation to be performed .
- There are eight type of operators in C language
The character in C are categories in four type
1 letters
2 digits
3 special characters
4 white space
Compiler do not consider white space till they are not used in string constant
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