Thursday, February 17, 2011

Structure of C program

How to write a simple C program ?

Hi , friends C is a very easy and important language to learn. A simple C program consist of some main() 
function , Header files , and body for the program.

header files

main function
executable -program;

#include<stdio.h> //header files
#include<conio.h>//header files

void main() // main function
clrscr(); // this will clear the screen remove previous programs output
printf("hello , I am learning C language\n"); /* this command will print “hello , I am learning C language”*/
getch();// it allows to see output till you press any key

this program will print "hello , I am learning C language" in output 

Rules for writing C program
  • every statement in C ends with semi colon.
  • header files should start with “#”.
  • Every main function program should be written in Braces “{}”.

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