Monday, February 21, 2011

Constants in C

             Constants refer to the values that are not changed during execution of program in C .There are two types of constants in C language basically :
  • Numeric constants
  • Character constants
Numeric constants are further divided in two parts real constants and Integer constants
Integer constant
An integer constant means the set of digits from 0 to 9 generally. Hexadecimal and octal integer are less in use in C programming .
  • Hexadecimal refer to digit 0 to 9 and alphabets from A to F where A means 10 and F means 15
  • Octal refer to the digit from 0 to 7 .


void main()
   printf("This are integer\n");
   printf("%d\n %d\n",3456,-234);

This are integer

Real Constants
Numbers which are not possible to be representation in Integer form as they change there value or they have fraction part in them for e.g pi = 3.14 or any fraction number such as 15.45 which are in fraction part are known as real constants .
A real number can be executed in exponential form also and the general syntax is as follows
number e exponent
example 0.35e4 , 45e-5
The letter e separates the number from the exponents.
Character constants are are of two types single character constant and string constant .

Single character constant
A single character constant contain one character in a pair of single quote marks. e.g such as 'S' or '45'.


void main()
   printf("This are single character constant \n");
   printf("%c\n %d\n",'c','F');

This are single character constant
String Constant

  • A string constant is a sequence of character enclosed in double quotes. This character can be letter,number,special characters and blank space .

  • Example is seen in above program “This are single character constant” , this is a string with letters and blank space .
  • Backslash characters are also allowed in the string constants as “\n” is example of this type in the above program

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